2019-01-10 6:44 AM
I have been attempting to use Silicon Labs Si443x/RFM22 ISM radio IC for over a week now with no success. My overall impression of this radio IC is poor. Lots of issues, erratas, and twitchy-spazz operation even under ideal conditions. So naturally I am looking for another line.
What about SPIRIT1 ISM radios ? What is your experience ?
Looking for 915MHZ, FSK/2-FSK modulation, 19.2KBPS, simple packet handling with 8 bit preamble - sync - 5 byte fixed packet length - no crc. And most of all, few hassles, no twitchy spazz operation, no complex software/hardware work-arounds for a poorly designed IC, no wondering WTF, why did it do that ?, and that's not in the datasheet. The transmitter and receiver should be able to work together without individual unit calibration using "normal" 20ppm crystals.
If you can't get this working in a simple one transmitter, one receiver setup located in Faraday Cage in a couple of hours (tops), then I will keep looking.
Looking forward to your responses.
2019-01-15 7:23 AM
The response has been underwhelming. This thread had 20 views in 5 days. Since no one has responded with either negative or positive comments, I can only assume that this radio is "so-so" at best.
I will pass on this one, and continue looking.