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Invalid HTTPD_FS image

Associate II
Posted on November 17, 2016 at 17:38

Try to upload a new file to SPWF01S but have received subject error message. Why this file can't pass validation?

Posted on June 16, 2017 at 15:50

Hard to understand you. Can I skip automatic redirect or not? In AN4902 Application note SPWF01Sx – dynamic web pages. In this App.note on page 32 i have read following:  'The script section of the code enables skipping of the automatic redirect ' But in real after insert and submit this html code produce redirect.

Posted on June 18, 2017 at 22:00

Without any help from higher than HTML level, since HTTP must give back something, your browser can not skip the result/redirect. AN4902 uses jquery, and this means it tells the browser (e.g.) to ignore the result of the request.

Think about an html with 10 pushbuttons to send 10 'output_demo' requests to module's UART. Browser must not update the content of the page when an output_demo is sent.