2022-07-28 4:30 PM
I am using the BLUENRG-M0 (Nucleo board) and a STM32F446 Nucleo 144 to build a BLE peripheral. I am creating my services with the BLUENRG GUI v4.3.0.
My FW versions on the BLUENRG are
BlueNRG HW version 3.1
BlueNRG FW version 7.3
Motherboard FW 1.9
My stack mode is 2
When I try to write all my services to the ATT DB I get the following error (ACI_GATT_ADD_CHAR Failed Status=Unspecified Error (0x1F).
My size of attributes array in bytes is 665 + 43 bytes (Services 0x1801 and Service 0x1800). I read some where there is a 700 byte limit on the chipset so I assume the error is because of this. Is there a way to create a larger size for the attributes? Does the BLUENRG2 offer a larger memory size for attributes?
I have attached my .view file from the GUI as well.
2022-07-29 12:57 PM
I have found that the BLue NRG2 (X-NUCLEO-BNRG2A1) works with the same characteristic and service configuration. Can someone please point me to where to find the size for the attribute array on the BNRG2A1? I want to confirm the size to see how much extra space I have for future services and characteristics