2019-02-28 9:24 PM
2019-03-03 11:07 PM
Yes, it is possible to run the Mesh on the kit.
You can start from STM32L4 example available in X-CUBE-BLEMESH1
2019-03-04 1:09 AM
STM32L4 example available in X-CUBE-BLEMESH1 is for NUCLEO board. Is there any ready example code for this B-L475E-IOT01A2 to test BLE Mesh?. If it is available please share.
Otherwise want to modify the existing code.
2019-03-04 5:07 AM
There is no ready example available for B-L475E-IOT01A2
2019-03-12 5:37 AM
After modifying the code for B-L475E-IOT01A2, following error is coming
Error message "Could not initialize BlueNRG Mesh library!", error code = 2
How to solve this?
2019-03-12 8:04 AM
Can you update the BlueNRG-MS module with latest BLE stack
Minimum required is v7.2c as mentioned in the release notes
2019-03-12 9:40 PM
How to update latest BLE stack on This Board?
If any Documentation available please share
2019-03-22 6:29 AM
There are no ready examples to update the BlueNRG-MS firmware of the B-L475E-IOT01A2 board, but you have two options for this:
The simplest option is probably using the Mbed updater for BlueNRG-MS:
If you follow this approach, please make sure that you update the x_nucleo_idb0xa1_targets.h file to use the correct pins for your board.
Another alternative is generating the Virtual_COM_Port project for the board with STM32CubeMX and then use the FlashUpdaterTool utility (included in the X-CUBE-BLE1 package) to perform the update.
I would go for the first option. If you have problems, I can generate a binary for you.
Best regards,