2017-12-04 12:10 AM
Hello everybody,
Since the release of the new documentation (Datasheet V5 and Command Guide V2), I'm looking for more detailed informations about SPI interface, SPI timing and SPI dialogue.... but the new doc is still poor in informations about SPI (really poor).
After lot of trial, I could send a SOCKDW on my SPI:
02 00 0F 4A 03 01 00 01 00 01 07 AA AA 03 DF 01 01 1F
It means : SOCKDW, sid=0, cid=0, len=7, data isAA AA 03 DF 01 01 1F
After that, I receive the two following reply from SPWF04SA:
02 3A 00 00 00
which I think is a'OK result code' as mention in Command Guide page 14 (see chapter 6.1)
02 3A 21 00 00
which I don't know what it is.... because it is not documented....
So my question is double :
Could we have a proper documentation about the SPI interface (sync reply, dialogue sample, )?
What does the '02 3A 21 00 00' means?
PS: I really appreciate the new example for SPI protocol but the Second example has still its length false and the text about the translate procedure still contains wrong informations about the byte number.
PSPS: the SPI dialogue for SOCKDW in attachment
[EDIT 2018] I add a SOCKDW example
#sockdw #spi #spwf04 Note: this post was migrated and contained many threaded conversations, some content may be missing.2018-01-22 7:36 AM
For the people who would have an example of the SOCKDW command timing:
1) SOCKDW command
2) data payload
SPI run at 8MHz, nHost interrupt line is not shown but CS line can give you an idea of the interrupt request timing.
The content of the frames are on the left panel.
I can't explain what take so long to the SPWF04SA to send few bytes.