2020-08-11 10:20 PM
Good day.
I'm pretty new to BLE and I've a pretty hard time getting the hang of it.
I'm using the Sensor Demo example, delivered with the X-Nucleo-BNRG2A1.
I've now a custom board with the BlueNRG-M2 as a coprocessor with a STM32F030C8T6 (SPI).
The electronic receives commands from an App via several characteristics and depending on the commands, uC will enable/disable a TRIAC and Relay. There are a 3 ADC Channels, which are polled and the values written to 3 characteristics. This works perfectly fine.
I've issues reading values written by the App.
From what I've gattered, the read should be doable with the following commands:
aci_gatt_read_char_value(); or aci_gatt_read_using_char_uuid();
But both of them only returns a BLE Status (And I get an Error of 0x47).
How can I read the values? The programming guide mentions events. How can I tackle those?
tBleStatus Read_ProgramID(void)
tBleStatus ret;
ret = aci_gatt_read_char_value(connection_handle, ProgramIDHandle+1);
PRINT_DBG("Error while reading ProgramID characteristic: 0x%02X\n",ret) ;
connection_handle gets written with 0x801 and the ProgramIDHandle 0x16.
Any information and help would be appreciated.
Best regards