2019-01-02 4:59 AM
Hello @alok , @STM Community , @Jitendra J_O ,
I want to evaluate the performance of bluetooth mesh network having 4 mesh nodes (3 provisioned STEVAL boards and one smartphone). Which parameters can I measure on STEVAL board in order to evaluate the mesh network ? And how can I measure these parameters ?
2019-01-02 8:39 PM
There are two important parameters to be measured in mesh network - latency and reliability. Reliability is defined as fraction of no of received messages at destination and no of sent messages from source. Latency is defined as sum of delays inserted by each hop (from source to destination) divided by no of hops received message has traveled.
Both of these are dependent on various config model states, rate at which messages are generated and also on wireless activity by other devices (external to mesh network).
You may start with small network of 2 mesh nodes and then increase it to 4. Typical setup will include message generator at source, message logger at destination and analyser to identify received messages and missed messages.
2019-01-03 4:02 AM
Hello @Jitendra J_O @alok @STM Community
Thank you for your reply. Can you elaborate if there is any extra hardware required for evaluating latency and reliability. Which hardware is required for message generator, logger and analyzer ? I am actually using light switch example and have modified it to read sensor data and send it to smartphone on request from smartphone using ReadRemoteData() function. Can you tell if in this scenario, i want to evaluate mesh network, do I need to modify the code for evaluation purpose or is it possible by using just extra hardware for analyzing at receiver ?
2019-01-04 12:02 AM
Hello MH,
You can refer to the function Appli_Vendor_Test() in Appli_vendor.c. The case statements inside this function provides some ideas. You can build over it for the performance you wish to measure
2019-01-09 1:40 AM
Hi @alok
I had a look at file appli_vendor.c and there are just empty case statements. It gives no idea of how to evaluate mesh network. Can you guide how to evaluate important parameters of mesh network using STEVAL boards ? For e.g. to measure reliability or latency ? Can you also tell me is it possible to measure no. of hops and delays inserted by each hop to measure latency ?
2019-01-12 10:59 PM
Hi MH,
Please clarify how you want to evaluate the Mesh ?
It can be done using issuing some customized commands from Android App. Then you can use the empty functions provided. Refer to above discussions
If you want to check board to board communication, refer to the Publish mechanism using the PushButton switch
2019-01-14 3:39 AM
hi @alok
I just want to know which evluation parameters are possible to measure on STEVAL boards ? For e.g. no. of hops a message takes to travel , or to calculate relaibility, latency, or to measure current consumption during data transmission and after transmission etc.