2018-09-19 05:09 AM
I'm using the SPBTLE-RF module controlled with microcontroller STM32F051K8U6. Connection is ok and I can send services, charact and descriptors successfully to my phone app. I'm using STM32_BlueNRG library from ST.
I create each service by calling aci_gatt_add_serv(...) from bluenrg_gatt_aci.c. This routine assigns a serviceHandler to each service that is properly created in the BLE module after having sent the service creation request to the BLE module with hci_send_req(...).
The problem is that when the number of attributes sent to the BLE module reaches 63, variable resp.status inside aci_gatt_add_serv(...) gets value 0x1F just after having executed hci_send_req(...), and no more serviceHandlers are provided, so I cannot create more services/charact/descriptors. My interpretation is that the SPBTLE-RF module doesn't accept more than 63 attirbutes. Is that correct? Is it possible to change this limit?
Thanks very much.