2022-01-25 10:54 PM
We are using SPBTLE-RF BLE module in our design. In Production, We are observing the following issues.
After the PCB is assembled.When we do Power Check. On few PCBAs We are observing current value of 70mA to 80mA. If we isolate the BLE Module and measure current PCBA is consuming only 19mA.
We have replaced the BLE module and when we measured the current consumed by PCBA with new BLE module was 23mA.
We also tried another method: Instead of replacing the BLE Module, We just loaded our Application firmware.
After the application firmware was loaded, the current consumed by PCBA has reduced from 70mA to 33mA.
Can you clarify Why BLE is consuming so much current 70mA to 80mA during PCBA Power check without any application firmware.
Also, after the application firmware is loaded, the current has reduced to 33mA.
2022-01-27 7:37 AM
hi @SPANA.1
For sure 70mA is not expected value.... this is a value even impossible to obtain in standard mode.
Maximum power consumption of SPBTLERF happens during a RF event - let's say a Tx event with a duration of few ms at highest power level (+8dBM)... even in this case we are below 15mA ( peak value during few tens of µsec)
After reset, SPBTLERF will enter automatic sleep mode - power consumption should be around 1µA.
I would suspect here an HW issue on your PCB.