2018-02-06 7:58 PM
I want to operate the SPIRIT1 in the frequency range of 400 MHz to 406 MHz. And channel spacing of 200KHz. That means my first frequency is 400.2 MHz and if i want to go for the next frequency it could be 400.4 MHz and so on. Can anyone send me the Synthesizer setting values and what Crystal has to be used to operate in the frequency range.
2018-02-11 8:32 PM
Yes,the freq will be :400MHz,400.2MHz,400.4MHz...
One way is shown below:
radioInit.xModulationSelect = MODULATION_SCHEME;
radioInit.lFrequencyBase = BASE_FREQUENCY+(CHANNEL_NUMBER*CHANNEL_SPACE); radioInit.lDatarate = DATARATE; radioInit.lFreqDev = FREQ_DEV; radioInit.lBandwidth = BANDWIDTH;RadioInit(&radioInit);
Regarding Crystal: 50 MHz crystal can be used (Same for all bands).
Thanks & Regards,
Balmukund Prasad
2018-02-12 5:07 AM
Hi Prasad,
Thanks for reply. Can you please share me an example how to set the frequency and other parameters of any particular frequency. That will help me to move further.
2018-02-12 9:12 PM
Below is the path to fimrware(X-Cube-SUBG1 V2.0.0) for P2P communication:
Open project:
Thanks & Regards,
Balmukund Prasad
2018-02-16 4:17 AM
Thanks Prasad for spending time and sharing the information. One last question, In the SPIRIT1DK, I don't have option to set the MSK and GMSK. Data sheet mentioed that, if we set Mod_Type to 11, we can use it in MSK mode. Do u know how to configure from the SPIRIT1 DK Software ?