2018-02-19 3:32 AM
Hello everyone,
I try to build a notification of the temperature characteristic of the SensorDemo example from de BlueNRG GUI. Unfortonatelly, that doesn't work. I follow the same scheme of the Notification for Acceleration Characteristic but that doesn't work.
Anyone know how I can access to the function SENSORDEMO_GET_TEMPERATURE() ?
Here's the code I have add to the SensorDemo_Central python script :
♯ Enable Notification for Temperature Characteristic
&sharpThe handle of descriptor is equal to temp_attr_handle+2 status= ACI_GATT_WRITE_CHAR_VALUE(Connection_Handle=conn_handle, Attr_Handle=temp_attr_handle+2, Attribute_Val_Length=2, Attribute_Val=0x0001) if (status != 0x00): ERROR( 'ENABLE NOTIFICATION FOR TEMPERATURE CHARACTERISTIC FAILED')e = WAIT_EVENT(HCI_VENDOR_EVENT, timeout=30, Ecode=ACI_GATT_PROC_COMPLETE_EVENT)
&sharpReceive Notifications
while(True): e = WAIT_EVENT(HCI_VENDOR_EVENT) eCode = e.get_param('Ecode').val if (eCode == ACI_GATT_NOTIFICATION_EVENT): if e.get_param('Attribute_Handle').val == freeFall_attr_handle+1: PRINT('---FREE FALL---') elif e.get_param('Attribute_Handle').val == temp_attr_handle+1: PRINT ('Ok') PRINT ( 'READ TEMPERATURE CHARAC -> ' + str(SENSORDEMO_GET_TEMPERATURE(e.get_param('Attribute_Value').val)))The last line of this code give me an error.
Thanks in advance,
#sensordemo #bluenrg