2016-09-22 4:19 AM
How can i change GATT charProperties of added GATT characteristics?Is that possible?
I need to remove Read/WriteProperties (CHAR_PROP_READ/WRITE) of all characteristics when GATT service will be locked. It`s a requirement of Eddystone protocol. Thanks.2016-09-22 5:24 AM
P.S. I tried to delete GATT characteristic with aci_gatt_del_char() function (i tried to delete char and create it with other Properties) and it returns 0xFF status (BLE_STATUS_TIMEOUT).
Is aci_gatt_del_char() function supported by BlueNRG v6.4. firmware? I had the same troubles with hci_le_set_advertising_data() API function. In firmware v6.3. it works correctly. But in v6.4. it returns BLE_STATUS_TIMEOUT (0xFF).