2024-05-16 6:31 AM
A BLE Project for developed on steval-mksbox1v1 which had SPBTLE-1s.
Since it became NRND we switched to BlueNRG-M2SA Module which has same footprint.
Using the BlueNRG-1_2 DK 3.2.3 I have tried to get build the project with following pin changes as per mksbox connections - in hw_config.h
#define SPI_CS_PIN GPIO_Pin_1
#define SPI_OUT_PIN GPIO_Pin_2
#define SPI_IN_PIN GPIO_Pin_3
#define SPI_CLCK_PIN GPIO_Pin_0
But to my despair the in the built project binaries flashed into the module, the IRQ pin never becomes high in this firmware and the HCI code does not progress as IRQ low. In short the module does not initialize.
I have used projects from following paths.
BlueNRG-1_2 DK 3.2.3\Project\BLE_Examples\DTM\MDK-ARM\STEVAL-IDB008V1M
BlueNRG-1_2 DK 3.2.3\Project\BLE_Examples\DTM\MDK-ARM\STEVAL-IDB007V1M
After nothing of above worked, we had previous removed the ble firmware from the mksbox ble module and this particular firmware works fine on both the SPBTLE-1S and BlueNRG-M2SA with a issue that in M2SA Sleep currents are 5mA which is very high and thus we want correct firmware to be loaded in M2SA module to get lower currents.
We want the correct firmware DTMSPI for M2SA Module for Connections that are same of MKSBOX Board. Please help.
2024-05-17 8:01 AM
Please note DTM SPI FW for BlueNRg-M2 is already provided in BlueNRG-1_2 DK 3.2.3.
You will also find in this SDK documentation, the recommended mammping for SPI and IRQ (corresponding to this FW).
I then recommend this SPI mapping and the provided DTM SPI FW.
2024-05-19 10:18 PM
Hi Laurent,
If you check steval-mksbox1v1 sensortile board schematic, in that board the pins are not same as the firmware binary or source code provided in BlueNRG-1_2 DK 3.2.3.
Our board was made on that basis thus my pins are as following -
#define SPI_CS_PIN GPIO_Pin_1
#define SPI_OUT_PIN GPIO_Pin_2
#define SPI_IN_PIN GPIO_Pin_3
#define SPI_CLCK_PIN GPIO_Pin_0
#define GPIO_MODE_SPI Serial0_Mode
#define SPI_IRQ_PIN GPIO_Pin_14
2024-05-22 2:26 AM
Ok but the point is that if you refer BlueNRG-2 datsheet (BlueNRg-2 is the SoC included inside BlueNRG-M2 module), you will see SPI CS can be set using aither DIO1 or DIO11 (see bluenrg-2 datsheet table 130)
But DIO1 is not a wake up capble IO (see BlueNRG datasheet chapter
So if you use a DTM SPI FW inside BlueNRG-2 that is having sleep mode enabled, DIO1 will not be able to wake up BlueNRG-2/BlueNRg-M2
So either you use DIO11 pin as CS pin and you can use a DTM SPI FW with sleep mode, either you need to disable sleep mode in DTM SPI FW if you want to use DIO1.
2024-05-22 3:12 AM
I very well get your this point. Due to this concern what I did is I keep DIO1 as the chip select but I also operate DIO11 from another GPIO(USAR2_BLE_RX_UC_TX) along with the CS function to wakeup and sleep the BlueNRG Chip.
The question though is not about sleep majorly but basic SPI Communication with the BLE IC.
I have noticed the BLE SPI INT Pin does not go high and due to which other codes SPI Write gets stuck waiting for it.
2024-05-22 6:00 AM
OK clear now.
which DTM SPI project have you used with BlueNRG-1_2 DK 3.2.3\Project\BLE_Examples\DTM\MDK-ARM\STEVAL-IDB008V1M?
Do you have same issue if you select "SPI" or "SPI no updater"?
2024-05-22 11:41 PM
Yes, Both projects have same issue.
2024-05-23 12:21 AM
Can you try below :
- Do a full mass erase
- Flash the DTM SPI no updater version you will have rebuilt but having set MEMORY_FLASH_APP_OFFSET=0x0 instead of 0x2000 in the linker option
2024-05-23 1:01 AM
In SPI no updated version
Kept preprocessor values as follows
and Linker as --predefine="-DMEMORY_FLASH_APP_OFFSET=0 "
BLE init failed. Same code with original firmware
2024-05-23 1:08 AM
On BlueNRG-M2SA, 32kHz is used and SMPS is implemented so you must defined
See DT037 documentation.