2019-01-25 5:04 AM
So I want to talk to the BLE eval kit ( STEVAL-BLUEMIC-1 ) with another microcontroller. I see that the on board BLE module (SPBTLE-1S) has a SPI and UART interface however the board itself only contains 5 SWD pins. These 5 pins are Vblue, SWDCLK, GND, SWDIO and RESET. I see from the SPBTLE-1S datasheet that the SWCLK corresponds to SPI_IN and SWDIO corresponds to SPI_OUT however i still need CS and CLK. I was able to program the eval kit using a STM32 Nucleo board. However i still dont know if its possible to communicate between an external microcontroller and the STEVAL-BLUEMIC-1 kit. It seems like the eval board is not designed with a SPI interface?