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can i control BlueNRG-2 using other stm32 micro controller ? if yes then how ? please help me asap.

Associate III

we are making a project based on BLE using BlueNRG-2 but I will be using my own stm32 controller. Thus, I want to know whether I can control BlueNRG-2 via other stm32 controllers...


How will it connect in your scenario and too what?

Best I can tell the BlueNRG-2 chip is agnostic to your external MCU choice, it would want compatible voltages on the UART, I2C, etc.

Demo/Example software might need porting to your new target platform.

Guessing an STM32F429, but frame in your context.

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Please lose ASAP, Urgent, Revert/Reply Immediately type stuff, it doesn't resonate well in the broader community.

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Associate III

How will it connect in your scenario and too what?

i will get advantage over BLUENRGMS so i will use BLUENRG-2 for OTA update

Associate II

Yes. You should be able to use an external controller. My project uses an external PIC controller with BlueNRG-2 over a SPI interface.

You will need to load the DTM image to the BlueNRG-2. The image determines if you will use either the UART or SPI interface for commands and data. Take a look at the documentation for the STEVAL-IDB008V2 development board to see an example of the BlueNRG-2 with an external controller. When searching the BlueNRG-2 documentation, look for the keywords "DTM" and "network coprocessor". They will tell you what you need to know.