2015-09-28 10:19 AM
I'm having trouble with advertising: it seems that after some time, the module stops advertising. The actual time after the issue appears seems to be grossly related to the Advertising_Interval_Min & Advertising_Interval_Max values. The lower the values, the shorter the time the issue appears. Values such as 0x800 and 0x900 (default) seems to encounter the issues after days but values such as 0x20 and 0x30 encounter the issue after minutes. When the advertisement stops, it is still possible to connect to the module, using it's address. Below is some code to reproduce the issue, this code is running on aSTEVAL-IDB003V1 with firmware bluenrg_6_4_Mode_2-32MHz-XO32K.img Although the same issue appears on multiple prototype boards with similar firmware.
♯ Reset BlueNRG/BlueNRG-MS
RESET() if ACI_HAL_SET_TX_POWER_LEVEL(En_High_Power=0,PA_Level = 4) != 0x00: ERROR(''ACI_HAL_SET_TX_POWER_LEVEL FAILED'') ♯ Set Random Address if HCI_LE_SET_RANDOM_ADDRESS(Random_Address = 0x123) != 0x00: ERROR('ERROR SETTING RANDOM ADDRESS') ♯ Init GATT if ACI_GATT_INIT()!=0x00: ERROR('ACI_GATT_INIT FAILED') ♯ Init GAP as peripheral device status,_,_,_= ACI_GAP_INIT(Role=PERIPHERAL) if status !=0x00: ERROR('ACI_GAP_INIT CALL FAILED') ♯ Add service Status,Serv1Handle=ACI_GATT_ADD_SERVICE(Service_UUID_Type=0x02, Service_UUID_128=0x1,Service_Type=1,Max_Attribute_Records=3) Status,CharHandle=ACI_GATT_ADD_CHAR(Service_Handle= Serv1Handle, Char_UUID_Type=0x02,Char_UUID_128=0x2,Char_Value_Length=20, Char_Properties=0x08, Security_Permissions=0x00, GATT_Evt_Mask=0x01, Enc_Key_Size=0x07,Is_Variable=0x01) Status,Serv2Handle=ACI_GATT_ADD_SERVICE(Service_UUID_Type=0x02, Service_UUID_128=0x3,Service_Type=1,Max_Attribute_Records=8) ♯ lock Status,Char1Handle=ACI_GATT_ADD_CHAR(Service_Handle= Serv2Handle, Char_UUID_Type=0x02,Char_UUID_128=0x4,Char_Value_Length=20, Char_Properties=0x08, Security_Permissions=0x00, GATT_Evt_Mask=0x01, Enc_Key_Size=0x07,Is_Variable=0x01) ♯ unlock Status,Char2Handle=ACI_GATT_ADD_CHAR(Service_Handle= Serv2Handle, Char_UUID_Type=0x02,Char_UUID_128=0x5,Char_Value_Length=20, Char_Properties=0x08, Security_Permissions=0x00, GATT_Evt_Mask=0x01, Enc_Key_Size=0x07,Is_Variable=0x01) ♯ endride Status,Char3Handle=ACI_GATT_ADD_CHAR(Service_Handle= Serv2Handle, Char_UUID_Type=0x02,Char_UUID_128=0x6,Char_Value_Length=20, Char_Properties=0x18, Security_Permissions=0x00, GATT_Evt_Mask=0x01, Enc_Key_Size=0x07,Is_Variable=0x01) def setDisco(): PRINT(''DISCONNECTED'') status = ACI_GAP_SET_DISCOVERABLE(Own_Address_Type = 0x01, Advertising_Interval_Min=0x800, Advertising_Interval_Max=0x900) return status ♯ Put device in connectable mode status = setDisco() if status !=0x00: ERROR('ACI_GAP_SET_DISCOVERABLE CALL FAILED') while (True): event = WAIT_EVENT() if event.event_code == HCI_DISCONNECTION_COMPLETE: status = setDisco() if status !=0x00: ERROR('ACI_GAP_SET_DISCOVERABLE CALL FAILED') #advertising #bluenrg2015-10-01 3:21 AM
Hi Christian,
I don't undersant, but if you are in advertising, how can the device receives the disconnetion complere? Maybe, you have to put the device in advertising, after another device establish a connection with it and after occurs a disconnection. Now, after the disconnetion, the device will be not more in advertising. If you put a device in advertising (ACI_GAP_SET_DISCOVERABLE) , the device will be forever in advertising until you stop it or a connecion is established. Regards, GM2015-10-01 3:22 AM
After a disconnection, it's normal that the device is not more in advertising.
2015-10-01 6:23 PM
Thanks for helping, however, I'm not sure you understand my code: 1. I start advertising 2. I wait for the disconnected event to put it back into advertising So this is what will happen: 1. start advertising 2. connection is established 3. disconnection happens goto 1. Anyway. Even in the scenario where no connection is ever established, I encounter the bug.2015-10-02 2:25 AM
Hi Christian,
retry all, if not already done, you could download from the following link:http://www.st.com/web/catalog/tools/FM147/SC1870/PF261967?s_searchtype=partnumber
the last version of BluNRG DK version 1.8.0. You could: - Launch an instance of GlueNRG GUI - Connect a BlueNRG/BlueNRG-MS device - Open related COM port - Show ACI utilies tab - Initialized the device (Init Device.. button) - Put device in Advertising (Advertising ... button) Now perform scanning from another central device, you should see the BlueNRG/BlueNRG-MS device, or you could configure another BlueNRG device as scaner: - Launch another instance of GlueNRG GUI - Connect a BlueNRG/BlueNRG-MS device - Open related COM port - Show ACI utilies tab - Initialized the device (Init Device.. button) - Put device in Scannin(Scanning... button) Repeat the scanning more time, you should see always the device in advertising. Let me know if it occurs. Regards, GM2015-10-18 4:30 PM
Has there been any resolution to this issue yet ? We are seeing the same thing in our application. After every disconnect, advertising is restarted - but sometimes it does not restart.
We have also seen that the issue seems more prevalent with faster advertising rates.Currently in our application we reset the BlueNRG every hour to work around this - but it is not a solution as a unit being offline for up to an hour is not acceptable in our use case.2015-10-23 7:21 AM
Dear Customer,
how to understand that after a disconnection, the advertisng don't restart? Do you obtain a command failed or the command is send successfully but you don't see any device in ADV? Regards, GM2016-02-08 12:43 AM
Hi Graziella,
I think I understand them, because I've same trouble with a modified FW for STEVAL-IDB003V1. When looping an Init/set_discoverable/conect/modify_characteristic test, sometimes I cannot detect the device anymore, despite the set_discoverable command reports SUCCESS. int Make_Connection(void) { Init_BadgeID_Reader(); tBleStatus res_set_discoverable; #ifdef BLE_LOCAL_NAME const char *str_local_name = BLE_LOCAL_NAME; char local_name[128]; local_name[0]=AD_TYPE_COMPLETE_LOCAL_NAME; for (int i=0;i<strlen(str_local_name);i++){ local_name[i+1]=str_local_name[i]; } #endif /* disable scan response */ hci_le_set_scan_resp_data(0,NULL); PRINTF_DBG(''General Discoverable Mode...\r\n''); #ifdef BLE_LOCAL_NAME res_set_discoverable = aci_gap_set_discoverable(ADV_IND, ADV_MIN_INTERVAL, ADV_MAX_INTERVAL, PUBLIC_ADDR, NO_WHITE_LIST_USE, strlen(str_local_name)+1, local_name, 0, NULL, 0, 0); #else res_set_discoverable = aci_gap_set_discoverable(ADV_IND, ADV_MIN_INTERVAL, ADV_MAX_INTERVAL, PUBLIC_ADDR, NO_WHITE_LIST_USE,0, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 0); #endif if ( res_set_discoverable==0 ){ PRINTF_DBG(''Success!\r\n''); } else{ PRINTF_ERR(''Error when set_discoverable(%d)\r\n'', res_set_discoverable); blink_led_2(200,0); return -1; //TODO: RESET?? } return 0; }2016-02-17 9:04 AM
So it seems our initial issue was actually this one: https://my.st.com/public/STe2ecommunities/interface/Lists/Low%20Power%20RF%20Solutions/Flat.aspx?RootFolder=%2fpublic%2fSTe2ecommunities%2finterface%2fLists%2fLow%20Power%20RF%20Solutions%2fBlueNRG-MS%20not%20visible%20by%20android&FolderCTID=0x01200200770978C69A1141439FE559EB459D7580008F23D8A934F45... Although the module is advertizing, android phones cannot see it. As it represents 40% of our customers, that *is* an issue.2016-03-09 6:03 AM
Dear Customer,
before to put the device in discoverable mode, add the following command:Status= HCI_LE_SET_SCAN_RESPONSE_DATA(Scan_Response_Data_Length=
Regards, GMHi,
I'm having trouble with advertising: it seems that after some time, the module stops advertising. The actual time after the issue appears seems to be grossly related to the Advertising_Interval_Min & Advertising_Interval_Max values. The lower the values, the shorter the time the issue appears. Values such as 0x800 and 0x900 (default) seems to encounter the issues after days but values such as 0x20 and 0x30 encounter the issue after minutes. When the advertisement stops, it is still possible to connect to the module, using it's address. Below is some code to reproduce the issue, this code is running on aSTEVAL-IDB003V1 with firmware bluenrg_6_4_Mode_2-32MHz-XO32K.img Although the same issue appears on multiple prototype boards with similar firmware.
# Reset BlueNRG/BlueNRG-MS
RESET() if ACI_HAL_SET_TX_POWER_LEVEL(En_High_Power=0,PA_Level = 4) != 0x00: ERROR(''ACI_HAL_SET_TX_POWER_LEVEL FAILED'') # Set Random Address if HCI_LE_SET_RANDOM_ADDRESS(Random_Address = 0x123) != 0x00: ERROR('ERROR SETTING RANDOM ADDRESS') # Init GATT if ACI_GATT_INIT()!=0x00: ERROR('ACI_GATT_INIT FAILED') # Init GAP as peripheral device status,_,_,_= ACI_GAP_INIT(Role=PERIPHERAL) if status !=0x00: ERROR('ACI_GAP_INIT CALL FAILED') # Add service Status,Serv1Handle=ACI_GATT_ADD_SERVICE(Service_UUID_Type=0x02, Service_UUID_128=0x1,Service_Type=1,Max_Attribute_Records=3) Status,CharHandle=ACI_GATT_ADD_CHAR(Service_Handle= Serv1Handle, Char_UUID_Type=0x02,Char_UUID_128=0x2,Char_Value_Length=20, Char_Properties=0x08, Security_Permissions=0x00, GATT_Evt_Mask=0x01, Enc_Key_Size=0x07,Is_Variable=0x01) Status,Serv2Handle=ACI_GATT_ADD_SERVICE(Service_UUID_Type=0x02, Service_UUID_128=0x3,Service_Type=1,Max_Attribute_Records=8) # lock Status,Char1Handle=ACI_GATT_ADD_CHAR(Service_Handle= Serv2Handle, Char_UUID_Type=0x02,Char_UUID_128=0x4,Char_Value_Length=20, Char_Properties=0x08, Security_Permissions=0x00, GATT_Evt_Mask=0x01, Enc_Key_Size=0x07,Is_Variable=0x01) # unlock Status,Char2Handle=ACI_GATT_ADD_CHAR(Service_Handle= Serv2Handle, Char_UUID_Type=0x02,Char_UUID_128=0x5,Char_Value_Length=20, Char_Properties=0x08, Security_Permissions=0x00, GATT_Evt_Mask=0x01, Enc_Key_Size=0x07,Is_Variable=0x01) # endride Status,Char3Handle=ACI_GATT_ADD_CHAR(Service_Handle= Serv2Handle, Char_UUID_Type=0x02,Char_UUID_128=0x6,Char_Value_Length=20, Char_Properties=0x18, Security_Permissions=0x00, GATT_Evt_Mask=0x01, Enc_Key_Size=0x07,Is_Variable=0x01) def setDisco(): PRINT(''DISCONNECTED'') status = ACI_GAP_SET_DISCOVERABLE(Own_Address_Type = 0x01, Advertising_Interval_Min=0x800, Advertising_Interval_Max=0x900) return status # Put device in connectable mode status = setDisco() if status !=0x00: ERROR('ACI_GAP_SET_DISCOVERABLE CALL FAILED') while (True): event = WAIT_EVENT() if event.event_code == HCI_DISCONNECTION_COMPLETE: status = setDisco() if status !=0x00: ERROR('ACI_GAP_SET_DISCOVERABLE CALL FAILED')