2015-05-12 02:08 AM
I want to use a BlueNRG as HCI device. I�ve used the ACI Command Write_Config_Data to set a public address (0xaa, 0x00, 0x00, 0xE1, 0x80, 0x02). I use the HCI command �LE Set Advertising Data Command� and finally use the HCI command �
LE Set Advertise Enable Command�.
All that commands report successfully execution but when using a generic BLE Client (like BLExplr on iOS), I can not see any advertising Device. What am I�m missing? I don�t want to use the GATT/ATT stack of the BlueNRG, because I want to use BlueNRG to test my own GATT stack.
Thank you for every tipp or comment on this.
#bluenrg-advertizing2015-05-12 03:42 AM
In addition, I've used an ubertooth to see if there are any advertising packages, but there are none.
2015-05-12 09:22 AM
I've added a HCI_LE_Read_Advertizing_Channel_Tx_Power command and received the value 8dBm. Is this a reasonable value?
2015-05-13 12:03 AM
I found the information, that there is a known bug in the BlueNRG (
ID 868). Issueing 4 commands in defined order works and I can see now my advertising data.
2015-09-28 12:28 PM
Could you pinpoint me to the source of the bug you describe (bug ID 868)? and the corresponding sequence of commands Thanks!2015-10-01 03:13 AM
this is a limitation of fw stack version 6.4: