2015-07-21 2:00 AM
Hello, i'm using aBlueNRG-MS module.
I have a problem with this module. I can use it as Master and Slave, but i can't use it as Master&Slave simultaneously. Because after i create a connection with a slave module i can't make the Master discoverable.what can i do? is there an example of using the BlueNRG as Master&Slave simultaneously ?Thanks!Stefano #bluenrg-master&slave2016-02-05 3:04 AM
I have faced with the same problems: I want to use module in master/slave mode simultaneously, but when I trying to run aci_gap_start_general_discovery_proc when device already connected to module function returns error = 0x85Can I search devices in master mode if I have already connected to master in slave mode?I need to have some device that alternately can receive (or send) advertisement to discovery new device and connect with them and send information to the devices with it is already connected.What can I do?2016-03-09 6:33 AM
Dear Customer,
the error 0x85 (Too large interval) is due to an error in the parameter of scanning procedure.
If you download the latest version of BlueNRG DK 1.9.0, under folder: ..\STMicroelectronics\BlueNRG DK 1.9.0\Application\scripts\BlueNRG-MS_Simultaneous_Master_Slave_mode you can find the scritps that permits to simulate the simultaneously master and slave.Regards,
I have faced with the same problems: I want to use module in master/slave mode simultaneously, but when I trying to run aci_gap_start_general_discovery_proc when device already connected to module function returns error = 0x85 Can I search devices in master mode if I have already connected to master in slave mode? I need to have some device that alternately can receive (or send) advertisement to discovery new device and connect with them and send information to the devices with it is already connected. What can I do?2016-03-09 7:09 AM
Dear Andrei,
about the error BLE_STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES, this error occurs because when update a char, the request are put in a queue, when this queue is full the error BLE_STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES is returned, the EVT_BLUE_GATT_TX_POOL_AVAILABLE event available on BlueNRG-MS FW stack 7.1c for avoiding continuous polling until BLE_STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES is returned (see ID 1143 on BlueNRG-MS FW solved issues).
•ID 1143: Added EVT_BLUE_GATT_TX_POOL_AVAILABLE event to notify when you can use again the update char command.
As example, you can see the BLE Chat project.
Please, for further details, see the ''Release Notes V1.8.0/ 20-July-2015'' (see BluNEG DK vers.1.9.0)
GM2017-09-13 4:59 AM
Where can I find the error codes?
I have BlueNRG-MS Bluetooth® LE stack application command interface (ACI).
There Aci_Gap_Create_Connection has only three return values:
And if i look into core specification error odes ending with 0x40.
But if I enable advertising and try to create a connection after that I get a status event with result code 0x84.