2016-02-13 12:14 AM
We are using BlueNRG-MS with Andorid 5.1x. using GATT profile. Need to know what is the max throughput we can achieve here? What seetings are needed to achieve the same? Currently we ae using conection interwal as : 800ms , slave latecy :0, 20byets per packet.With this we are not able to achieve the throuput, our goal is to double this.Regards2016-03-09 5:44 AM
Dear Customer,
how example of throughput you can see the poject BLE_CHAT present in the package BlueNRG DK 1.9.0.
In particular, you can see the Client_throughput and Server_throughput workspaces allow to target a throughput test (THROUGHPUT_TEST define on the preprocessor options on both workspaces).Best Regards,
We are using BlueNRG-MS with Andorid 5.1x. using GATT profile. Need to know what is the max throughput we can achieve here? What seetings are needed to achieve the same? Currently we ae using conection interwal as : 800ms , slave latecy :0, 20byets per packet. With this we are not able to achieve the throuput, our goal is to double this. Regards