2016-04-12 1:56 AM
I want to embedd the BlueNRG-MS firmware in my main application controller flash. Therefore I have to convert the .img firmware file to a binary file. Is there a converter program for this kind of work?2016-05-24 12:48 AM
Hello Alex
Pleae use bluenrg_img_converter.exe tools for this... This utility provided by ST (please install BlueNRG DK 1.9.0) Using this tools you can convert img file to c-array or binary file for example d:\BlueNRG\BlueNRG DK 1.9.0\Firmware\BlueNRG-MS_stack>bluenrg_img_converter.exe bluenrg_7_1_e_Mode_2-16MHz-XO32K_4M.img out.bin -O bin or d:\BlueNRG\BlueNRG DK 1.9.0\Firmware\BlueNRG-MS_stack>bluenrg_img_converter.exe bluenrg_7_1_e_Mode_2-16MHz-XO32K_4M.img out.bin -O C Please let me know if you need any help Regards, Andrei Kukenov