2019-07-22 5:51 PM
I have semi-successfully imported the BlueNRG BLE_SensorDemo_BlueMSapp demo code using the STMCubeIDE TrueStudio import wizard, flashed it, and run it on the STEVAL-IDB007V1M with the BlueNRG android app.
the wizard asks for the M0 version.... I chose the first one as I could not find the M0 cortex processor in any SPBTLE-1S documentation. which one is it actually? the first choice in the list ran, and streamed pressure and temperature, but I need to make sure its the right selection.
Next step will be to port this reference code to my SPBTLE-1S design. I need to have access to the correct architecture, so knowing which M0 to choose is kinda important
2019-07-26 4:14 AM
turns out Keil uvision works. but I have to pay $1600
should have stuck with arduino
2019-07-26 2:59 PM
That's not exactly true. Keil is free for all ST devices based on Cortex M0.
Please refer to Keil website:
Best regards,
ST Support
2019-07-26 3:02 PM
the SPBTLE-1S is advertised to integrate a Cortex-M0 on both the product page and the datasheet:
Product page: https://www.st.com/en/wireless-transceivers-mcus-and-modules/spbtle-1s.html
DS: https://www.st.com/resource/en/datasheet/spbtle-1s.pdf
Best regards,
ST Support
2019-07-27 2:58 AM
2019-07-29 8:56 AM
no, there is no code size limitation. Keil is free for all ST devices based on Cortex M0 with no code size limitation
Please refer to Keil website:
and follow the procedure to activate the permanent license.
Best regards,
ST Support
2019-08-26 8:45 AM
Have anyone find proper way to develop BlueNRG-1/2 on STM32CubeIDE? I'm very interested.
Keil is good but I like to work on Linux. Keil seems like no plan to support on Linux and I don't want to bother to create a virtual machine over Linux.
One of workaround could be to chose a M0 based ST micro on STM32CubeIDE and then tweak the Link file manually.
A question to ST support, how difficult it is to support BlueNRG-1/2 on STM32CubeIDE natively? Will ST do it?