2016-12-13 3:50 AM
What is the maximum throughput one can achieve with either BlueNRG-MS or BlueNRG-1?
I read that some BLE ICs has a chipset limitation on the number of packets transmitted in a single connection event (e.g., cannot handle more than 6 packets per connection event). Is there a similar limitation in BlueNRG-MS or BlueNRG-1?
#throughput #bluenrg-1 #bluenrg-ms #ble #bluenrg2018-01-05 3:40 PM
As the Punchthrough article described, there are several variables in determining throughput. One of them is the packet size. For BT 4.1, this is 27 bytes. For BT 4.2, this is supposed to be 251 bytes. But what I gather from other forum threads, ST has not implemented this on BlueNRG-1. My product could really benefit from a BlueNRG-MS replacement that can do the full BT 4.2 spec.
BTW, on the iPod and iPad Mini I have for testing, they allow 4 packets/interval.