2021-08-02 5:45 AM
We are having issues putting the BLUENRG-MSQTR on our board into the hci transmit test mode.
We call the following two methods and they both return success but looking on a spectrum analyser, I don't see anything transmitted.
ret = aci_hal_set_tx_power_level(1,7);
ret = hci_le_transmitter_test(27,30,0);
Calling other methods such as aci_hal_tone_start I can see the module transmitting however we require the hci_le_transmitter_test for compliance testing.
Testing on a X-NUCLEO-IDB05A1 development board we can get the hci_le_transmitter_test method to work and comparing the SPI communication of the BLUENRG-MSQTR vs X-NUCLEO-IDB05A1 they look almost identical.
We are wondering if anyone has any ideas how to get the BLUENRG-MSQTR to transmit in the LE test mode.
2021-09-08 5:53 AM
Hi Moi,
Indeed, you are right. SPBTLE-RF available n X-NUCLEO-IDB05A1 is a BLE module which embeds BlueNRG-MS. So there is no difference on SPI transaction between BlueNRG-MS and SPBTLE-RF as it is same chipset.
As you mentioned there is few APIs available to help test and certification process :
ST BLE stack is supporting few APIs customer should use in order to set the product in required mode:
>>> HCI_LE_RECEIVER_TEST : allow to set the product in Rx continuous mode at dedicated frequency.
>>> HCI_LE_TRANSMITTER_TEST : allow to set the product in Tx modulated mode at dedicated frequency.
>>> HCI_LE_TEST_END : allow to stop the transmitter test or receiver text command.
>>> HCI_RESET : allow to reset the device.
>>> ACI_HAL_TONE_START : allow to set product in Tx continuous non modulated mode at dedicated frequency
>>> ACI_HAL_TONE_STOP : allow to stop the tone start command.