2020-06-23 1:48 AM
2020-06-23 7:28 AM
the official text is:
13: User ROI Outwith Limits
From this I can only surmise that you somehow set the ROI limits out of bounds.
Minimum ROI is a 4x4, and of course it has to fit into the 16x16 array bounds.
if you used the full driver see:
User manual
Time-of-Flight ranging module with advanced multi-zone and
multi-object detection
If you are using the UltraLite Driver see:
VL53L1X ultra lite driver multiple zone implementation
Both user manuals can be searched for on ST.com
The reason for the different approaches in the drivers is that I really hated the one in the main driver.
It was just too complex.
I'm not sure we made it easier in the UltraLite driver, but the code is vastly simpler.
2020-06-23 10:37 PM
Hello John,
Thanks for the input.The ranging occurs with no error initially, that is, range status 0. Therefore I could conclude that my ROI is getting set. But my issue is that error 13 only arises when the following events occur :
I am currently using the Ultra Lite driver.
2020-06-24 7:18 AM
If you look in the code, we translated the error numbers from the hardware values to something more reasonable. (no one would tolerate a 9 as a success code.)
But error 13 was not translated. So it has to be something with the ROI.
Can you tell me if the ROI is large or small? Is it near the edge?
Despite the error 13, did you get the correct ranging error? (Sometimes these 'errors' are more of a warning and might return a reasonable answer.)
I've never seen a 13 error, so I've no experience with it.
I'll keep investigating on my end.
2020-07-01 1:41 AM
My code's working fine now. I guess it had something to do with the delays provided.