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we are trying to use 3 number of VL53L4CD on one I2C line... is it possible?

Associate II

We are trying to use 3 number of VL53L4CD on one I2C line... is it possible?

Sensor used: VL53L4CD

we are trying to do this. using Xshut pin, but when we change voltage level on xshut pin, we need to reinitiate sensor for measuring sensor.

can someone guide how to readdress this considering 3 sensors are on same line.


Assuming 3 sensors on same bus means time sequential addressing. Find an I2C peripheral with 3 sets of SDA and SCL pins. Then you can select each sensor. CubeMX does not do such advanced dynamic hw reconfiguration.

By extension, if you are short of pins, use one shared SDA and 3 different SCL. The inactive 2 SCL are SW switched to SCL output low to make the sensors time freeze regardless SDA activity. Some SW tweaking and oscilloscope checking anf pull up rssistor tuning maybe required. Overall n + 1 pin for n sensors and not shutdown to manage.