2022-09-27 9:01 AM
Hi, I'd like to know what is the minimum size or gap between 2 objects the sensor is able to detect ? My first test shows a surface of 600 cm² seems to be the minimum, i.e a "hole" square of 25 cm x 25 cm or a rectangle of 20 x 30 cm.
When I do the math for the size of the 8x8 zone the result is a resolution of 15x15 cm. Why is there this important diffference ? Any parameter to setup ?
2022-11-05 4:47 PM
Lots of stuff going on here.
The FoV is a bit short of 45x45. So an 8x8 would assume about a 5 degree by 5 degree FoV for each zone. And that's about as accurate as we get.
Now a really bright object will 'splash' onto it's neighbors. It's why we have a sharpener.
The best thing to do is experiment with the Evaluaiton kit, and try different sharpener settings.
Turning it down guarentees you don't miss small targets. Turning it up tightens the edges.
Find a setting that makes you happy. Not everyone will agree on the best depending on what one is looking for.