2022-09-17 9:32 AM
I am on a robotic forum where we have been studying using this VL53L5CX for robotic vision, mapping and SLAM for the last two months. We are on page 12 of this thread: "<link provided if requested and I'm permitted>"
The problem we have run into concerns the distance readings we're getting out of it. The problem is explained in detail in the second half of this post "<link provided if requested and I'm permitted>" with pictures and previous posts to that thread give detailed output from the sensor.
Since I am new to this forum and can't provide the links, I'll summarize the problem here:
Theory says, if the center is 1000 mm away, the distance to the center of all four corner pixels should be ~1112 mm away. The sensor is only returning values close to 1018 mm away. IOW, Not anywhere near close to theory. We have tried many different settings for Integration Time (5 to 100 ms) and Sharpness Percent (0 to 99%).
Because it is SO wrong, I feel like I'm missing something fundamental here. Maybe someone here can enlighten me. No one on our forum has seen a problem with our logic and expectations.
Thank you for your time.
Solved! Go to Solution.
2022-09-27 3:09 PM
BTW - Are you allowed to elaborate on the VL53L7 any? FoV, Range, Resolution, Rates???
2022-09-27 3:26 PM
I can do better than that!
Click on VL53L7CX - Time-of-Flight 8x8 multizone ranging sensor with 90 degrees FoV - STMicroelectronics.
You get the databrief that answers the easy ones, and the full datasheet which should answer everything.
But if you know lots about the VL53L5, you know it all already. All we did was change the FoV with a lens change. (And of course the Rad-to-Perpendicular adjustments.)
As for scholarly articles, google DTOF theory. There are lots of articles. If you find one that mentions Histograms, you are on the right track.
Instead of posting on the community page, you can create a support ticket. (click on the support tab on ST.com) It's a more formal way for us to talk.
2022-09-27 3:43 PM