2023-05-01 9:49 AM
I'm trying to use VL53L4CX sensor outdoor as people passing counter. Is there any way to extend outdoor range of the sensor or tune detection parameters? Currently i'm getting around 50-60cm in overcast conditions.
2023-05-03 7:49 PM
Hi Damjan
As sun light contain 940nm IR light, which means noise to VL53L4CX sensor, suggest you changing distance mode to short and increase Timing budget. it will help increase maximum detection distance a bit, but will not much.
2023-05-10 7:36 AM
If you can afford it the VL53L8CX has almost 3x the optical power of the L4CX. It's better in outdoor lighting.
There is a spec in the L8 datasheet stating it can range to 1.6m in pretty bright light. (I forget the LUX number they used.)
the L8 is also interesting because it is a multi-zone sensor. With it, you can see left/right or up/down motion as someene goes past. It's an easier sensor to turn into people passing sensor. You can tell in which direction they are passing.