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VL53L4CD cover glas specification

Associate III

I am using the VL53L4CD for my current project and I would like to add acrylic glas cover to it. I am actually using 4 of the ToF Sensors and would like to cover all of them with one glas.
What type of glas can be used here, are there any known limits? Somehow I found a little glas which was provided by you but I can not find it anymore. It was black and I would like to know the specifications of it so I can also use a black cover glas but as a hole and not one by one.


ST Employee



In theory there is no limitation to use one single cover glass for 4 sensors.
You can buy cover glass from : Gilisymo or Hornix

The rectangle cover glass delivered with the X-Nucleo is designed by Hornix. It is done with PMMA (cf the BOM of the x-Nucleo).





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Associate III

Thanks! I was looking for a "Term" to use to search for and the properties of that glas but I figured it out.
The type is called: IR Transmitting Glas
It can be acrylic. I found some german manufacturer

It is 3mm which might be a bit to thick but I will give it a try.