2021-05-21 08:16 AM
I've got a custom board with the VL53L3 connected to a Silicon Labs chip. The interface to the sensor works. Saving and restoring calibration data is kicking my ***.
My calibration code makes these calls:
// start calibration here:
VL53LX_SetDistanceMode(Device, VL53LX_DISTANCEMODE_SHORT); // before calibration, eh?
VL53LX_PerformOffsetSimpleCalibration(Device, 4);
// (I have also experimented with VL53LX_PerformOffsetZeroDistanceCalibration)
After this calibration data, I print the result...
VL53LX_CalibrationData_t calibration;
VL53LX_GetCalibrationData(Device, &calibration);
printf("static uint8_t calibration[] = { \n ");
uint8_t *cal = (uint8_t *)&calibration;
const char *comma = "";
for(uint16_t i = 0; i < sizeof(calibration); i += 16) {
for(uint16_t j = i; j < i+16 && j < sizeof(calibration); j++) {
printf("%s0x%2.2x", comma, (unsigned)cal[j]);
comma = ",";
comma = ",\n ";
I copy that output into a calibration_data.h file.
The code continues on and starts performing ranging operations that work well. Yay!
Now, I recompile the same code and load it to the same piece of hardware, but this time instead of the calibration steps, it #includes the calibration-data.h file:
#include "calibration-data.h"
VL53LX_SetCalibrationData(Device, (VL53LX_CalibrationData_t*)&calibration);
And now - nothing works. If any measurements return anything at all, they all have non-zero RangeStatus.
What have I overlooked?
(Yesterday's behavior was also very odd, it was doggedly reporting an object at 60mm, even when nothing was there, or if the lens was totally obscured. Is my device haunted?)
2021-05-21 10:28 AM
I've made some progress.
Calling VL53LX_StopMeasurement() after DataInit and before SetCalibrationData has gotten me past a hurdle. Now, the calibrating code can test the calibration (after printing into calibration-data.h, it can #include it again, and see the device work).
I'm moving on to using this calibration-data.h in other code on this device...