2020-07-13 1:50 AM
I'm trying to use VL53L1X for counting algorithm in the link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c91Ve-g0J2U but I'm having a problem with accuracy.
Thanks to SparkFun_VL53L1X, I can set ROI centers to separate front/back zones. By measuring and analyzing the distances of targets within field of views of these zones, the main idea for counting algorithm is described in this link: https://www.st.com/resource/en/user_manual/dm00626942-counting-people-with-the-vl53l1x-longdistance-ranging-timeofflight-sensor-stmicroelectronics.pdf
However, I am facing to a big problem according to the accuracy of distances. Even when I fixed the distances from sensor to ground, the received distances is fluctuating. Currently, I set sensor's position 2.3 m from the ground as well as ROI centers in (159, 231), 50ms for each loop but the result obtained while having someone cross the door isn't as expected(should be like the image below).
The normal case: obtained the same distances to front/back zones even when having someone in front zone or back zone.
Have you ever faced this problem and can you please suggest a way to improve this case?
I'm also planning to test with 1 more sensor, it should be better but I'm not sure that it can work well.
Thank you and best regards,
2020-12-23 3:04 AM
Hi Julien, great to see the documentation release, will the updated code be available shortly? Thanks
2021-01-08 6:27 AM
Hi Guys,
We've just released the V2.0.0 on st.com here
Happy New Year !
2024-03-10 1:19 PM
@Julien NGUYEN I'm new to STM32 and have only worked with STM32 blue pill to install GRBL-Hal but have a room occupancy project which looks like the VL53L1A1 will work so I purchased the recommended Nucleo board and the X-Nucleo-53L1A1 carrier board but can not get the included SW4STM32 project( in en.STSW-IMG010.zip ) to compile in the latest STM32CubeIDE( v1.14.1 ).
Is there any chance someone can fix the people counting example project to build with the latest STM32CubeIDE or add a project entry which will compile?