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Is there any formula or way to convert VD6283 register values to something like Red-Green-Blue?


Hi there,


We are testing the VD6283 sensor so as to detect a set of colours a card might adquire (specifically, blue, green and yellow), but we do not understand what units / kind of values all its channels return, so:


  • Is there any way to convert those to something like Red-Green-Blue? If that is true, which formula could we use? Do you have any documentation related to this topic?


Thanks beforehand, sorry for the inconveniences, and looking forward to hearing from you soon.


Kind regards.



What you could do is to normalize the values (divide each channel value by the sum of RGB) and convert to HSV to see the color angle in the HUE circle. Though it relies on the illumination condition.

ST Employee

ST device reports light counts. So you will have RGB + other channels counts.

To detect several single colors, you may play with ratio (for example : R divided by G or (R+G)/G for things like that) 

ST has no particular algorithm for this use case but some customers are able to it.

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