2019-06-01 11:15 PM
I need to simply add VL53L0x API STSW-IMG005 to my project without any compilation errors. And need to know the necessary functions to get the distance.
Solved! Go to Solution.
2019-06-04 7:51 AM
The STSW-IMG005 software is an API containing all the calls you need to make - but it stops at the I2C call. You need to supply the platform layer between the I2C_read/write functions and your MCU. Refer to the platform.c file (which is where you put your functions).
Attached is a platform.c file I developed for an STM32 to give you the idea. Adapt it as you require.
As for what is in the main, try something like:
if( status ){
debug_printf("VL53L0X_StaticInit %d failed\n",i);
status = VL53L0X_PerformRefCalibration(&VL53L0XDevs[i], &VhvSettings, &PhaseCal);
if( status ){
debug_printf("VL53L0X_PerformRefCalibration failed\n");
status = VL53L0X_PerformRefSpadManagement(&VL53L0XDevs[i], &refSpadCount, &isApertureSpads);
if( status ){
debug_printf("VL53L0X_PerformRefSpadManagement failed\n");
status = VL53L0X_SetDeviceMode(&VL53L0XDevs[i], VL53L0X_DEVICEMODE_SINGLE_RANGING); // Setup in single ranging mode
if( status ){
debug_printf("VL53L0X_SetDeviceMode failed\n");
status = VL53L0X_SetLimitCheckEnable(&VL53L0XDevs[i], VL53L0X_CHECKENABLE_SIGMA_FINAL_RANGE, 1); // Enable Sigma limit
if( status ){
debug_printf("VL53L0X_SetLimitCheckEnable failed\n");
status = VL53L0X_SetLimitCheckEnable(&VL53L0XDevs[i], VL53L0X_CHECKENABLE_SIGNAL_RATE_FINAL_RANGE, 1); // Enable Signa limit
if( status ){
debug_printf("VL53L0X_SetLimitCheckEnable failed\n");
To set things up, then to run:
status = VL53L0X_PerformSingleRangingMeasurement(&VL53L0XDevs[SingleSensorNo],&RangingMeasurementData);
if( status ==0 ){
/* Push data logging to UART */
trace_printf("%d,%u,%d,%d,%d\n", VL53L0XDevs[SingleSensorNo].Id, TimeStamp_Get(), RangingMeasurementData.RangeStatus, RangingMeasurementData.RangeMilliMeter, RangingMeasurementData.SignalRateRtnMegaCps);
But there are lots of ways to configure and run - so do read the user's guide
2019-06-02 12:16 AM
Well, done that for the long range version starting from STSW-IMG009
Add to the project the following files:
+ VLxx_plateform.c/h
+ vlxx_types.h
+ vlxx_api.c/h
+ vlxx_calibration.c/h
In the plateform file, you'll have to implement the I2C HW driver function.
In my case, it's homecooked bitbang I2C by GPIO.
And on top of this, something like this:
I2C_SlaveDevice_t VL53L1SD = { &gI2C_STMod, 0x52, 0 };
I2C_SlaveDevice_t * pVL = &VL53L1SD;
VL53L1_Dev_t dev; // this is the structure
VL53L1_DEV Dev = &dev; // this is the pointer to the structure
VL53L1_Dev_t* pVL53L1 = &dev; // the cleaner version to use from now
uint8_t byteData;
uint16_t wordData;
int32_t VL53L1_Init(void) { NOPs(1); return 0;}
int32_t VL53L1_IsPlugged(void) {
int status=0;
pVL53L1->pSD = &VL53L1SD;
/* Those basic I2C read functions can be used to check your own I2C functions */
status = VL53L1_RdByte(&dev, 0x010F, &pVL53L1->ModelID); // printf("VL53L1X Model_ID: %X\n", byteData);
status = VL53L1_RdByte(&dev, 0x0110, &pVL53L1->ModuleType); // printf("VL53L1X Module_Type: %X\n", byteData);
status = VL53L1_RdWord(&dev, 0x010F, &wordData); // printf("VL53L1X: %X\n", wordData);
status = VL53L1X_BootState(dev, &pVL53L1->sensorState);
/* This function must to be called */
status = VL53L1X_SensorInit(dev);
/* Optional functions to set specific parameters here before start ranging */
// status = VL53L1X_SetDistanceMode(dev, 1); /* 1=short, 2=long */
// status = VL53L1X_SetTimingBudgetInMs(dev, 100); /* in ms possible values [20, 50, 100, 200, 500] */
// status = VL53L1X_SetInterMeasurementInMs(dev, 200); /* in ms, IM must be >= TB+ 5ms, otherwise IM*2 */
// status = VL53L1X_SetOffset(dev,20); /* offset compensation in mm */
// status = VL53L1X_SetROI(dev, 16, 16); /* minimum ROI 4,4 */
// status = VL53L1X_CalibrateOffset(dev, 140, &offset); /* may take few second to perform the offset cal*/
// status = VL53L1X_CalibrateXtalk(dev, 1000, &xtalk); /* may take few second to perform the xtalk cal */
// printf("VL53L1X Ultra Lite Driver Example running ...\n");
status = VL53L1X_StartRanging(dev); /* This function has to be called to enable the ranging */
return status;
int32_t VL53L1_50ms(void) {
int status;
uint8_t dataReady;
status = VL53L1X_CheckForDataReady(dev, &dataReady);
if(dataReady == 0)
return 0;
status = VL53L1X_GetRangeStatus(dev, &pVL53L1->RangeStatus);
status = VL53L1X_GetDistance(dev, &pVL53L1->Distance);
status = VL53L1X_GetSignalRate(dev, &pVL53L1->SignalRate);
status = VL53L1X_GetAmbientRate(dev, &pVL53L1->AmbientRate);
status = VL53L1X_ClearInterrupt(dev); /* clear interrupt has to be called to enable next interrupt*/
NOPs(1); // breakpoint hook point
return status;
int32_t VL53L1_Report(ByteVein_t* pL) {
BTEL_Printf(pL,"*A%d", pVL53L1->Distance); // distance in mm
return 0;
This version of the baseline code is Application Minded, no blocking function, poll method for "data ready" which by I2C takes less than 1 msec.
Previous implementation (IMG007) was blocking for long time, which wouldn't be practical beyond RTOS use.
2019-06-02 1:06 AM
I guess this is for VL53L1x 400 cm ToF. I have already used and implemented VL53L1x using the following method provided by digikey. Here is the link https://www.digikey.com/eewiki/display/microcontroller/Adding+the+VL53L1X+Driver+to+an+STM32Cube+Project. I have already tried using this method for VL53L0x 200 cm ToF but failed to compile it. It gives errors missing file "windows.h" etc.
2019-06-02 1:09 AM
No experience in VL53L0x, only VL53L1x running ok on STM32L4R5 bare metal.
2019-06-04 7:51 AM
The STSW-IMG005 software is an API containing all the calls you need to make - but it stops at the I2C call. You need to supply the platform layer between the I2C_read/write functions and your MCU. Refer to the platform.c file (which is where you put your functions).
Attached is a platform.c file I developed for an STM32 to give you the idea. Adapt it as you require.
As for what is in the main, try something like:
if( status ){
debug_printf("VL53L0X_StaticInit %d failed\n",i);
status = VL53L0X_PerformRefCalibration(&VL53L0XDevs[i], &VhvSettings, &PhaseCal);
if( status ){
debug_printf("VL53L0X_PerformRefCalibration failed\n");
status = VL53L0X_PerformRefSpadManagement(&VL53L0XDevs[i], &refSpadCount, &isApertureSpads);
if( status ){
debug_printf("VL53L0X_PerformRefSpadManagement failed\n");
status = VL53L0X_SetDeviceMode(&VL53L0XDevs[i], VL53L0X_DEVICEMODE_SINGLE_RANGING); // Setup in single ranging mode
if( status ){
debug_printf("VL53L0X_SetDeviceMode failed\n");
status = VL53L0X_SetLimitCheckEnable(&VL53L0XDevs[i], VL53L0X_CHECKENABLE_SIGMA_FINAL_RANGE, 1); // Enable Sigma limit
if( status ){
debug_printf("VL53L0X_SetLimitCheckEnable failed\n");
status = VL53L0X_SetLimitCheckEnable(&VL53L0XDevs[i], VL53L0X_CHECKENABLE_SIGNAL_RATE_FINAL_RANGE, 1); // Enable Signa limit
if( status ){
debug_printf("VL53L0X_SetLimitCheckEnable failed\n");
To set things up, then to run:
status = VL53L0X_PerformSingleRangingMeasurement(&VL53L0XDevs[SingleSensorNo],&RangingMeasurementData);
if( status ==0 ){
/* Push data logging to UART */
trace_printf("%d,%u,%d,%d,%d\n", VL53L0XDevs[SingleSensorNo].Id, TimeStamp_Get(), RangingMeasurementData.RangeStatus, RangingMeasurementData.RangeMilliMeter, RangingMeasurementData.SignalRateRtnMegaCps);
But there are lots of ways to configure and run - so do read the user's guide
2019-06-04 9:33 AM
Thanks John for your reply. I need to know which files needs to add in the Code,along with platform.c . Cause their is a file called "vl53l0x_i2c_win_serial_comms", I don't think i need to add this file in my code right ??
Then their is this file "vl53l0x_platform_log" ,Do i need to add this file ???
So if possible just tell me the files name i need to add in the project.. And for your information i am using STM32F446ZET6 Nucleo Board for my Project. I am using CubeMx & True Studio
2019-06-04 10:39 AM
2019-06-24 7:56 AM
Hello Eshan,
It seems to me that you are familiar with STM32 Cube that you have used for VL53L1X. I would suggest you to use the same SW environment to run the VL53L0X, see link below.