2022-11-08 10:44 AM
Hi. I want to measure the water level in an 1.5m height and 1200 litters container. A lot of condensation is created inside it. What if some water droplets are formed in the sensor input and output holes? Would this "water lenses" affect the readings? In my application there is not way of avoiding condensation. Thank you!
2022-11-09 8:15 AM
So here is what you do.
First read the article:
(it can be accessed from the Article tab at the top of the community page.)
in there you will find a way to build a crosstalk-free coverglass.
it's two separate bits of glass with a bit of opaque plastic in between.
You can make your own - or you can buy it from www.Hornix.com.tw
(They designed it to our specifiations, and it works, but ST is not involved in their part.)
By building that glass, only those photons that go out into the world (or your tank) will be counted.
So as long is the debris does not block the photons, you will get the right answer.
(otherwise, you will get no answer, and know to clean the coverglass.)
The L4CD has a max range of 1.3M which you could use if you were willing to declare 'empty' with 20cm of liquid still in the container.
Or you will need the VL53L5CX. But please buy the eval kit and check it. Depending on the tank type and shape, and how much condensation you expect you really shoould prove it works before you get too far along. The Eval kit is the p-nucleo-VL53L5A1 and P-Nucleo-VL53L4A1.
(the 'P-' stands for 'pack' and consists of the X-nucleo board and the Nucleo-F401RE which can be bought separately if you have to.