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Teseo-Suite Pro on Windows-7 for non-admin user

Associate II

Teseo-Suite Pro installs and runs fine on Windows-7 from an account with admin privileges. When I try to run it from a non-admin account it seems to hang if the STM32F401 hosting the GNSS1A1 board is connected via USB. If I pull the USB connection, I get errors about files not being found in AppData and the program exits.

Our IT guys are trying to move us away from using accounts with admin for day-to-day development (best practices for security). Is there a way to run Teseo-Suite Pro from a non-admin account? Thanks!

-- Carl

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​Hi Carl,

The AppData is not a real issue for non-admin account, when application has been setup with admin rights. If you install TeseoSuite with none admin rights the AppData is not available for setup and installation is not completed.

AppData content must be protected to prevent unexpected behavior of the application.

So, I advice to require "temporary"  admin-right to install application or request IT action, (like main companies IT policies).

If you follow this way, the non-admin account is not a problem.

Best regards


I agree with you about how it should work but that's not what I'm seeing. Here's what I tried:

  1. Removed Teseo-Suite application
  2. Rebooted
  3. Created a non-admin user account, logged into it
  4. Installed Teseo-Suite, providing admin credentials when prompted
  5. Tried Teseo-Suite from non-admin account, same error pop-ups
  6. Tried Teseo-Suite from admin account, no issues

I think that's what you described, right? I'm attaching the pop-up I'm seeing when I try to run from the non-admin account. It comes up twice, then the application exits.

-- Carl

I don't know why it's happening, but I know how to work around it.

During the installation this folder tree is created in the admin user's directory: AppData\Local\STMicroelectronics

Copy that tree to the non-admin user's AppData\Local and everything works from the non-admin account.

Maybe an installer configuration issue?

-- Carl