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TESEO LIV3R no coordinates

Associate II

Hello. I've developed the board based on TESEO LIV3R module. I have successfully developed and debug code on X-NUCLEO GNSS1A1 and it get position from the GNSS receiver perfectly. When I run the same code on my board, I receive NMEA messages with 0. No position, no speed, no time, 99 satellites..

I attached my schematic. I use chip antenna 1575AT43A0040E. Can anyone help, what is wrong?

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Associate II
Check out antenna connection for the GPS first. Or try it outside the building.

Not going to fish part# out of bitmaps.

Check that your RF amplifier is powered and enabled, check logic state on pins.

You could try injecting RF at various points from a known working GNSS antenna source you've got powered via a splitter.

You could check circuit/antenna tuning with a network analyzer.

Be outside to get the best signals, avoid the human body in proximity to the chip antenna.

Perhaps consult with an ST GNSS FAE

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Thank you for the answer. Outside the building situation is the same. What do you mean under "Check out antenna connection for the GPS first"?


Did you manage to solve it? I'm about to use this GNSS but I'm not sure if it will work with passive antenna