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Teseo EVB-TAPP test mode

Associate II

Currenlty working with Teseo EVB-TAPP test mode, My requirement is to find out the time period, from the sent RTCM test message,to the response from the device.. I could able to see the time of sent RTCM test message in ST Proprietary: AUX message,but couldnt able to find the response time taken by the teseo app itself. There is no response getting generated from the Teseo app.after sending the Test message. 0693W00000bhIhHQAU.png

Trevor LEA
ST Employee

The TeseoAPP is not supported through this forum. Please contact your ST representative and they will get you in contact with your local support team.

That said, RFTEST mode is also supported on TeseoV. There isn't a specific RESP message for the RFTEST_XX commands. The RFTEST command is used to limit the acquisition and tracking loops to specific satellite IDs (PRNs). The output is the MSM7 message for the tracked satellites. The STGSV message, if enabled, will also contain the CN0 information for signals that are being tracked.
