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Teseo-LIV3F, no satellite position.

Associate II

Hello, Can you help me?

I assembled a module on the Teseo-liv3f basis with a passive antenna (A25-4102920-AMT02). And I can not get the coordinates in nmea messages (screenshot in attach). What could be the problem?

Thank you.

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Associate II

I can not get the activation code for Teseo-Suite Pro.

Associate II


We are having trouble to work with the TESEO-LIV3R 

It looks like we have chips that has old firmware 

We tried to update the FW using the Teseo-suite Pro 

but couldnt manage to do it

As soon as we connect to the Teseo-suite we have connection to the Com port and as soon as we try to upload the Bin file it gives us the massage that it is in Sync and it doesnt proceed from there

Is there any other instruction then that one that is in the ST web site or if you could help me I would appricate that



We have GPS modules with the 0693W00000QKIAwQAP.jpg 012 GAN80

Francesco Virlinzi
ST Employee


Teseo-LIV3R is a ROM based GNSS module. You can NOT upgrade it.

The module which support firmware upgrade are:

  • Teseo-LIV3F
  • Teseo-LIV3FL

which are both Flash based.



Thank you so much for your answer

I have few Modules Teseo-LIV3F

and I will try to update them

But what can I do with the LIV3R that I bought - why cant I get the Sattelite ( I keep on getting "0" atough the layout is ok ( Tried with few antennas )

What can I do with the LIV3R

Please advise

Francesco Virlinzi
ST Employee

Please, contact Karim Ramsi (