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Problem with L6566BH wide range input (90-400Vac)

Posted on August 22, 2013 at 15:08Hi We used eDesignSuit. The Vin is designed from 90Vac to 400Vac (phase-neutral or phase-phase)  and the Vout is 16V, 1.3A (max) (about 21W), in QR mode with fmin 150kHz and Fmax 300kHz. If we supply the circuit wit...


Posted on July 19, 2013 at 06:07I bought STGIPL14K60 ..I want to rectify the 3 phase input. When i rectify it , I got about 585VDC.  Can i connect this high voltage to the MODULE or not. #edesignsuite #pfc #power-supply #rectifer #dc-chopping #s...



Posted on July 12, 2013 at 18:56Hello,I have design Led driver of VIPer17LN with eDesignSuite.In put AC 230V   o/p 22V .35A (Led 3.2v 350ma x 7)But could not find EMI component value in BOM.Also the value of Cin is 0 F.Please help.Ravi.

Flaky internet connection - download edesignsuite?

Posted on June 28, 2013 at 12:31Hi everyone, I have a pretty awful internet connection where I live, so I prefer as far as possible to use local software rather than online. Does anyone know if it is possible to download edesignsuite for use on a W...

st2 by Associate
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Posted on December 10, 2012 at 12:49I used the eDesignSuite for my first time. The design was a flyback converter and the feedback to the controller is solved using an optocoupler but with no reference. It's only specified an OPTO with CTR:1. Can an...

rciurans by Associate
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need a design tool for l6562 in flyback mode

Posted on March 24, 2012 at 11:16can anyone tell me where should i will get design tool or Exel sheet for designing l6562 in flyback mode .I already downloaded the tool for l 6562. but it is for boost mode only.please help me. #l6562-desgin-tools

STM32 demo software in open gnu

Posted on November 11, 2012 at 13:38Current demo software libraries are for commercial development suits only. Why not the be made available for GNU GCC as well ?

mapeiris by Associate
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Posted on October 11, 2012 at 15:00I would like to use a VNH3SP30-E to control the rotation of a dc motor. No PWM. My question is about the inputs, INA, INB, ENA and ENB. Do I need pullup and/or series resistors for these inputs? Can I just tie the ...

rcolman by Associate
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about the programmer tools for ST30F752I

Posted on June 04, 2012 at 05:13Our product is AIRbag ECU. current process is offline program the micro processor and place onto PCB, now we want to change the process use on-board programmer. could you let me know which programmer tool is better fo...

meifang by Associate
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