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Copy to Clipboard obscures code


The "Copy to Clipboard" button is good to have, I guess, but in its current implementation you can't see what code is behind the button. Make it smaller, make it stay in the same position on a scroll, or something else so text can be seen.



In contrast, the View More button is a great addition. More good features like that please.

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Hi again,

The clipboard button is now placed above the first line and has been replaced by an interactive logo. It's also no longer obstructing code in mobile view.

For reference:

/* Includes ------------------------------------------------------------------*/
#include "main.h"
#include "usbd_core.h"
#include "usbd_cdc.h" /* Include class header file */

Best regards, 

View solution in original post


More examples of copy to clipboard being a net-negative. Copy/paste worked before, button wasn't really necessary. Most people aren't copying/pasting the code.



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Completely gets in the way on the phone browser. Anyone test or review this change?

If it needs the message / button, make it very small or as a mouse-over. It's completely obnoxious as currently implemented, needs a rethink.

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Hi @TDK and @Tesla DeLorean,

Thanks for providing your feedback on this component.
Your points are clear and valid, and we agree that a change is required.

I will reach out internally and find a solution that keeps the feature enabled, but makes it less intrusive to the actual code in the block. Your solution proposals are acknowledged in this context, thanks for providing those as well.

Best regards,

Hi again,

The clipboard button is now placed above the first line and has been replaced by an interactive logo. It's also no longer obstructing code in mobile view.

For reference:

/* Includes ------------------------------------------------------------------*/
#include "main.h"
#include "usbd_core.h"
#include "usbd_cdc.h" /* Include class header file */

Best regards, 