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ML samples on STM32F746G-DISCO and OSD32MP1-RED

Associate II


I'm interested on the FP-AI-VISION1 sample but it runs on a STM32H747I-DISCO. I personnally have the STM32F746G-DISCO. Is it possible to build the application for it ? Is there some documentation explaining how to build for another board ?

Moreover, I've got a OSD32MP1-RED ( Is it possible to run for example X-LINUX-AI on it ?

Another question for my comprehension : here, it's written that

All BSP components provided by STM32Cube MCU Package are not compatible with MPU environment as they are managed by Linux OS on main processor Cortex A

Does it mean that I don't have the BSP driver for the camera for example ? Can't I take the camera source's code from STM32CubeF7 and add to MPU environment ?

How are tasks splitted between the Cortex-A and Cortex-M in this sample ?

Best regards

ST Employee

Hello @AHayo.1​ 

Let me answer about MPU questions.

X-LINUX-AI should be functional with the OSD32mp1-red product.

At least you should be able to rebuild the distribution for the Octavio board following the wiki article:

This expansion package is a pure Linux CortexA package.

About the BSP compatibility, MPU and MCU BSP are not compatible but you can still integrate camera driver into MPU ecosystem by enabling the DCMI peripherals and assigned it to the CortexM4 using CubeMX tool. To split work between CortexA and CortexM, you can rely on OpenAMP on CortexM4 side and Linux RPMesg on CortexA side to exchange information.


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Associate II

Thanks for the answer and the link !

> you can still integrate camera driver into MPU ecosystem

Then, it's possible to just copy/past the camera driver from a MCU and do the hardware configuration you said ? Or will I need to rewrite the driver ?

Best regards

ST Employee

I guess some adaptation are needed but it should be light.

No need to rewrite the driver but need to well configure the IO.

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