2023-04-11 12:44 AM
I'm getting the error: INTERNAL ERROR: list index out of range when uploading an onnx model to STM32Cube.AI and run analysis. I have validated my model with other tools like netron.app and it is correct. I would appreciate if anyone could help to figure out what could be the problem? I attach my model below in case someone can help me. Thanks in advance. Regards!
2023-04-11 12:45 AM
I forgot to mention that this model was generated in Matlab with exportONNXNetwork function, in case it may be of help.
2023-04-11 3:48 AM
The error is in the import of the LSTM layer, probably due to the way Matlab exports the LSTM layer.
I forwarded the network to the development team.
2023-04-12 3:01 AM
Thanks! I would appreciate any feedback on the matter, cause I need to use lstm layers for my project.
2023-04-27 4:03 AM
Hi @fauvarque.daniel. Hope you're fine.
Any feedback from the development team on the error in the import of the LSTM layer? I would appreciate any solution proposal to the problem.
2023-04-27 4:38 AM
Issue has been reproduced and fix is ongoing, normally the fix will be part of the next 8.1 release planned in June
2023-04-29 6:11 AM
Thanks for your reply.
2023-05-12 12:36 AM
I have met the same problem. Have you solved it? Thank you very much
2023-05-13 10:02 AM
Hello @武 钢
No, I could not solve the problem. I expect the problem to be fixed for the next 8.1 release planned in June. @fauvarque.daniel reported the problem and fix is ongoing.