2019-11-24 3:54 AM
Which Keras version is Cube.AI using?
I am having a problem with different versions. My model is being generated with Tensor Flow Keras 2.2.4-tf
2019-11-25 12:56 AM
To kown the Keras or/and Tensor flow (indirectly the tf.keras version), you can use the command line tools.
> stm32ai --tools_version
Neural Network Tools for STM32 v1.1.0 (AI tools v4.1.0)
- Python version : 3.5.4
- Numpy version : 1.16.4
- Keras version : 2.2.4
- TF version : 1.14.0
- Caffe version : 1.0.0
- Lasagne version : 0.2.dev1