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Export Sensor Data to CSV Format for NanoEdge AI Studio?


Dear STMicroelectronics Support Team,

I am currently working with the STWINBX1 kit and the STEVAL-STWBXCS1A, and I have been using the FP SNS DATALOG2 firmware, specifically the hsdatalog_GUI, to capture data from my sensors. While I can successfully capture the data, I am encountering an issue when attempting to export it.

The data is being exported as figure (PNG) files, and I am unable to export it to CSV format, which I need for further analysis in NanoEdge AI Studio. Unfortunately, I have not found any option to export the data in CSV format through the HSD Python SDK, nor does the hsdatalog_GUI provide a clear way to do so.

Could you please provide guidance on how to export the sensor data to CSV format? Is there any functionality or workaround in the software tools or firmware that allows for exporting data directly into a CSV file?

Your assistance in resolving this issue would be greatly appreciated, as I am ready to move forward with my analysis and need the data in a compatible format for NanoEdge AI Studio.

Thank you for your support!

Best regards,