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Error "Validate on target" using STM32CubeMX with NUCLEO-F303K8


Hi experts!

I am trying to use a NN made on Keras on my NUCLEO-F303K8 (MCU STM32F303K8T6).

I've already configured my project, setup the USART2 and imported my NN (.h5)

I successfully validated my project on desktop but when I tried to validate it on target, I got:

ERROR: no connected board(s) or invalid firmware or the board should be re-started

I've updated all the firmwares and then tried to perform the validation with manual config (set USART2 with the right bound rate, SW4STM32, etc). And then now I am getting:

No board connected to the machine with MCU STM32F303K8TX

But this is exactly what my MCU is.

My versions:

STM32CubeMX - 5.2.0

Firmware - STM32Cube FW_F3 V1.10.0

X-CUBE-AI - 4.0.0

Eclipse - Neon.3 Release (4.6.3)

System Workbench for STM32 - Ac6 -

I've also tried some solutions on other topics in the forum. None of them worked.