2024-02-26 4:43 PM
I am currently having an issue with flashing my neural network (saved as a .tflite model) to my Nucleo-L476RG board. I am able to analyze the model successfully, but when I select, "Validate on Target", I receive the error message below: E200(ValidationError): stm32: Unable to bind the STM AI runtime with "network" c-model: []
connection to "serial:115200"/"115200" run-time fails
E801(HwIOError): Invalid firmware - COM2:115200
I have the following screenshots to show my STMCubeIDE as I attempt to validate on target:
If someone knows how to fix this issue, please let me know.
2024-02-27 12:51 AM
I have the same problem.My board is STM32L496G-DISCO.
2024-02-27 2:10 AM
I see that you have not selected to compile and flash the project.
It is ok if you already have on the board the validation firmware with that network flashed. But in your case the desktop application could not communicate with the application on the board, so I guess the program has not been flashed.
You need to check the "Automatic compilation" checkbox so that the validation project with that network is generated, compiled, and flashed on the board.
2024-02-28 11:43 PM
I have solved my problem.After compiling and flashing the project to the board, you should reconnect the board with the computer.Then select "Validate on Target" again.
2024-06-19 6:18 AM
Did you find a solution to your problem?
I encountered a similar issue:
Running the Keras model...
Running the STM AI c-model (AI RUNNER)...(name=model, mode=TARGET)
INTERNAL ERROR: E801(HwIOError): Invalid firmware - /dev/ttyACM0:115200
Validation ended
Do you have any idea what's wrong?
Thank you.
2024-06-19 6:27 AM
You can see if the project starts correctly by just opening a virtual tty on the port at the correct speed and verify that when you reset the board you have some messages printed like
| READY to receive a CMD from the HOST... |
# Note: At this point, default ASCII-base terminal should be closed
# and a serial COM interface should be used
# (i.e. Python ai_runner module). Protocol version = 3.1
If you have unreadable messages your baud rate is probably wrong
If you don't have any messages, verify that the software is correctly flash, you can check the Automatic compilation and download checkbox
2024-07-23 2:50 AM
Did anyone find a solution for INTERNAL ERROR: E801(HwIOError): Invalid firmware - COM9:115200 error. I have tried the things said in chat but it doesnot seem to work. How can I make this work? Seem like it doesnot even flash the firmware on board as if I open TTY and reset the board. The terminal shows me messages for the old firmware it was flashed with. How to resolve this issue?
2024-07-23 4:04 AM
If the automatic build and flash doesn't work here are the steps
Create a CubeMX project with AI Core and Validation application enabled,
add your neural network
Verify the baud rate used for the STLink USART
Generate the code
Compile it with your IDE
Flash it on the board
Go back in STM32CubeMX and launch the validation on target with the baud rate used in your STM32CubeMX configuration
2024-07-23 4:46 AM
Is there a tutorial I can follow for this?
2024-07-23 7:47 AM