2023-09-27 12:57 AM - edited 2023-10-04 6:13 PM
STM32 CubeAI v1.7.0 (STM.ai v8.0.0-19389)
error: list index out of range
This is a model created and transformed using pytorch
Is the model too big?
2024-02-16 3:17 AM
Issue reproduced on our current development branch, bug opened
2024-02-27 5:03 PM
2024-02-28 8:47 AM
mbg82, your test.onnx model is malformed,
/SA/MatMul_1_output_0_DequantizeLinear has input [1x8], axis is 0, and x_scale is [8].
axis should be 1 (not 0)
Also onnxruntime gives an error
2024-04-19 12:37 AM
Hello, have you resolved this issue?
2024-04-19 12:38 AM
2024-04-19 12:41 AM
Hello, could you please also take a look at my ONNX file for me? I've encountered the same issue.@fauvarque.daniel