2019-01-04 6:18 AM
I have been evaluating X-CUBE-AI with NUCLEO-F401RE over the last week, and it is working with an infrared array sensor for hand gesture recognition.
There are a few questions and comments on X-CUBE-AI with TrueSTUDIO:
(1) Can X-CUBE-AI add "network_runtime.a" and its library path to "Paths and Symbols" setting on TrueSTUIDIO automatically? (I manually added them).
(2) I tested "Application Template" on TrueSTUDIO, and I faced a lot of "undefined reference..." error messages. It seems like a linker problem, but I am not so familiar with it...
(3) Is "app_x-cube-ai.c" a right place to add my code for inference? I want to add header files to "app_x-cube-ai.c" , but there is no /* USER CODE BEGIN includes */ comment.
(the work on my github account) https://github.com/araobp/stm32-mcu/tree/master/NUCLEO-F401RE/AI
2019-01-04 8:10 AM
You are probably using the X-Cube-AI pack with STM32CubeMX 5.0.
The bug you found with Atollic are actually fixed with the STM32CubeMX 5.0.1 (missing library)
Your comment is right about the missing user section, it will be added in the next release.
2019-01-05 10:27 PM
Thank you for answering my question.
Yes, I am using CubeMX 5.0.
I am looking forward to the next release.
2019-01-07 12:12 AM
Actually STM32CubeMX 5.0.1 is already available on the web for download at