2016-02-23 4:47 AM
I got a freescale motherboard compatible with the SPC56EL70L5. With it, I got the PE universal multilinker (USB-ML-UNIVERSAL), and I'd like to use it instead of SPC5-UDESTK with UDE to connect to the SPC56EL70L5. Do you know if it possible or not? What kind of target configuration?
Thank you very much2016-02-23 5:26 AM
Hello Stefano ,
PE universal multilinker is not supported by UDE.For this, i would use S32 Design Studio available on Freescale/NXP website.there are some PE Micro Debug Feature. 1) GNU E200 PEMicro Interface Debugging Support com.pemicro.debug.gdbjtag.ppc.feature.feature.group PEMicro Microcomputer Systems 2) C/C++ GDB Hardware Debugging org.eclipse.cdt.debug.gdbjtag.feature.group Eclipse CDTon eclipse point of view, you can reintegrate it in SPC5Studio andtake the launch configuration given by S32 Design Studio.
Best Regards Erwan