2017-12-21 5:42 AM
i am developing boot loader for spc56ec64l7 controller.my bootloader application is at address 0x00 and boot loadable application is from 0x0001_0000. i integrate flash driver from one demo project.when i try to use pFlashErase() its stuck in unhandled exception.i think boot ladable application page is erased but code stuck in
unhandled exception.here i attach screen shot of cpu resister which shows that it goes in unhandled exception from pFlashErase() and also attach project.can any one help?
#flash-erase #spc56-flash2017-12-22 12:34 AM
Hello Patel ,
you should check your PC (Program Counter) and LR (Link register) to investigate where the issue is coming.
i will ask some flash experts.
Best regards